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Example: A ``Hello World'' application

This section contains a step-by-step example how to create a ``stand-allone'' application using Ltk and SBCL. Fist of all, you need the application itself:

(defpackage :hello-world
  (:use :common-lisp :ltk)
  (:export #:main))

(in-package :hello-world)

(defun main ()
  (setf *debug-tk* nil)
  (with-ltk ()
    (let ((b (make-instance
              :text "Hello World!"
              :command (lambda ()
                         (do-msg "Bye!" "Hello World!")
                         (setf *exit-mainloop* t)))))
      (pack b))))

This may not be the worlds greatest application, but I shows the important steps. First rule is: whenever you write lisp code, put it in a package. While this seems overkill, it is the easiest solution to avoid symbol conflicts, and if your code grows you will need a package anyway.

Next, you want to build your application, here is a shell-script that will do that work:

sbcl --eval "(progn 
               (compile-file \"ltk\") 
               (load \"ltk\") 
               (compile-file \"hello-world\") 
               (load \"hello-world\") 
               (save-lisp-and-die \"hello-world.core\"))"

This script compiles and loads both ltk and hello-world. Then it calls save-lisp-and-die to create the core file for the application. Put it in a file called build-hello, make it executable and run it to build the application. Once you have build your core, all what is left is running the application. For that, a small startup script will create the ``executable'' feeling:

sbcl --core hello-world.core --noinform\
     --eval "(progn (hello-world:main) (quit))"

If you put it in a file called helloworld, and make it executable, you can start your application just by typing helloworld at the shell prompt.

To deliver your application, you need to provide three files: sbcl, hello-world.core and helloworld. sbcl is the sbcl launching program, you can find its location by typing which sbcl. It is less than 300k in size, so just copy and deliver it with your custom core and startup scipt.

Thats all :).

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Peter Herth 2006-01-29